Friday, January 19, 2007


Savannah has a special "Lammie". She has loved that thing as long as I can remember; she sleeps with her, takes her everywhere, talks to her, plays with her, and just plain old loves her to death. Needless to say, after three or more years of this, Lammie is not looking her best. She gets her fair share of baths, but she is permanantly now a gray lamb instead of white and quite worn, thin, and looks a little haggard and shrunken.
Savannah has a friend who was given the same stuffed lamb around the same time when they were both babies. This friend's lamb, however, was obviously not loved the same way Lammie has been, and in fact has hardly been touched. She is pristine; so soft and white and fluffy. Such an adorable little lamb.
But I wonder... which one is really the more beautiful toy?

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